MOAI Report Journal September – 2024

SOMALI FOOD MoAI Monthly ReportDespite some improvements, levels of acutefood insecurity and malnutrition remain highHumanitarian assistance is urgently requiredfor Food Security, Nutrition, Health, andWASH programmes, including the treatmentof acutely malnourished childrenCurrent (June-September 2024): 3.6 millionpeople (19%) of the population in Crisis orworse (IPC Phase 3 and higher)Projection (October-December 2024): 4.4million people (23%) of total population […]
MOAI Report Journal August – 2024

Transforming Somalia’s Agriculture:Merging Crop Suitability andAgro-processing for ClimateResilience and Economic ProsperityThe agricultural sector in Somalia serves notonly as an anchor of the economy but also as anengine for livelihoods, contributing over 60% ofthe national GDP[1]. Although vital, it facessignificant challenges, particularly regardingcrop suitability in the context of climate changeand the underdeveloped agro-processingindustry. With the rising […]
MOAI Report Journal June – 2024

Reviving Somalia’s Banana Industry through Tissue Culture Technology Banana is a significant cash crop in Somalia, representing one of the most profitable ventures inthe horticultural sector. The crop is grown commercially, predominantly along the banks of theShebelle and Juba rivers.During the early 1970s, the banana production inSomalia experienced exponential growth, reaching up to 200,000 metric […]
sicirka suqa 15/ nov

Wasaaradda Beeraha iyo Waraabka ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaanWaaxda Ganacsiga Beeraha iyo Horumarinta Iskaashatooyinka waxa ay soo saartaywarbixinta isbuuclaha ee qiimaha kala iibsiga iyo is-beddelka sicirka dalagyadda eesuuqyada dalka iyo sicirka dalagyada ee beerta iridkeeda. Warbixintaan waxaa lagu eegayaa22 dalag oo iskugu jira badar, khudaar iyo miro laga soo aruurshay ilaa 5 suuq oo […]
sicirka suuqa 10/ nov

Wasaaradda Beeraha iyo Waraabka ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaanWaaxda Ganacsiga Beeraha iyo Horumarinta Iskaashatooyinka waxa ay soo saartaywarbixinta isbuuclaha ee qiimaha kala iibsiga iyo is-beddelka sicirka dalagyadda eesuuqyada dalka iyo sicirka dalagyada ee beerta iridkeeda. Warbixintaan waxaa lagu eegayaa22 dalag oo iskugu jira badar, khudaar iyo miro laga soo aruurshay ilaa 5 suuq oo […]
sicirka suqa 05/ nov

Wasaaradda Beeraha iyo Waraabka ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaanWaaxda Ganacsiga Beeraha iyo Horumarinta Iskaashatooyinka waxa ay soo saartaywarbixinta isbuuclaha ee qiimaha kala iibsiga iyo is-beddelka sicirka dalagyadda eesuuqyada dalka iyo sicirka dalagyada ee beerta iridkeeda. Warbixintaan waxaa lagu eegayaa22 dalag oo iskugu jira badar, khudaar iyo miro laga soo aruurshay ilaa 5 suuq oo […]