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Project name: Restoring the riverine eco-systems for climate adaptation

Project name: Restoring the riverine eco-systems for climate adaptation

Programme Description

Somalia has considerable productive resources which offer huge potential for delivering rapid eco
nomic growth of critical importance to people’s livelihoods. These resources include 8.9 million hec
tares of arable land (with 25 percent of crop production grown through irrigation systems), more than
50 million livestock and about 1.8 million tons of fish annually for export1. Despite emitting just 0.003
percent of all global green house gas emissions, Somalia finds itself on the frontline of climate change
as a result of its social, economic and political conditions, as well as its geophysical characteristics.
Climate change will continue to be a “risk multiplier”, causing displacement, conflict, exacerbation of
water and food insecurity, and fragility unless adaptation is effectively embedded into the country’s
overall management of risk reduction and resilience-building effort