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Document Projects

Document Projects


Programme Description This report presents the key findings from the baseline study conducted in Jowhar and Balcaddistricts as part of the Jowhar Off-stream Storage Program (JOSP). The program is...

Project name: Restoring the riverine eco-systems for climate adaptation

Programme Description Somalia has considerable productive resources which offer huge potential for delivering rapid economic growth of critical importance to people’s livelihoods. These resources...

Project name: Building Resilient Communities in Somalia (BRCiS)

Programme Description The ChallengesThe Global Hunger Index 2021 (GHI) ranked Somalia the lowest out of 116 countries surveyed in termsof food security, with a GHI score of 50.8 putting Somalia as the...

Project name: Climate-resilient livelihoods to Boost food production and Nutrition outcomes (CLIMB)

Programme Description The agriculture sector has played a critical role in the Somali economy, but remains vulnerable to external shocks, which are likely to intensify due to negative impacts of...

Project name: Enhanced climate resilient livelihoods and food security in southern Somalia

Programme Description Somalia finds itself increasingly on the frontline of climate change. More than twenty years of datafrom FAO Somalia Water and Land Information Analysis Unit (SWALIM) clearly...

Project name: Climate adaptation for resilient livelihoods (CadRe)

Programme Description Somalia remains the second most fragile country in the world according to the Fragile States Index4with the country recurrently affected by devastating natural disasters such as...

Project name: Riverine & Pastoral Food System Strengthening(RFSS)

Programme Discription This action will target to reach 14,801 households directly across 41 villages in 5 districts along theriver Jubba that has a basin area of 452,000 km2 4 and a total length of...

Project name: Food Systems Resilience Project (FSRP)

Programme Description The Somalia Food Systems Resilience Program (FSRP) is part of a regional initiative by the World Bank to provide a comprehensive framework to intervene at both the national and...

Project name: Rural Livelihoods Resilience Programme (RLRP)

Programme Description Target Population. The Programme shall benefit 30,000 poor small-scale agro-pastoral households, corresponding to 180,000 persons, engaged in cropping, and small livestock...